PRAHLY CUZ MADTV SUCKS BALLZ TOO. 26. Amy - June 24, 2008 5:34 PM. I kinda get why people want to watch these movies (or at least I used to) - the car crash rubbernecking fascination with seeing just how bad a movie can be and still ...
Bella´s vampire. 1. Hlasitě jsem si povzdechla. V mysli mi vytanula památná věta z Vančurova románu Rozmarné léto: ?Tento způsob léta,? , zdá se mi býti poněkud nešťastným.? To, jak byla naše vesnice neustále zahalená v mlze a to, ...
Tim Prahly asked: olate is certainly not the first food that would come to mind when considering ?Healthy?. However, evidence is mounting that the extremely high concentrations of Heart Healthy antioxidants found on the cocoa bean may ...